Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Too fat for jail

Sometimes being fat can have its upsides too. An Italian mafia man was transferred from jail to house arrest because he was too fat for any jail. He was tranferred from four different prisons before it was decided he should be put on house arrest. Guards at the different prisons were having trouble dressing him up and bringing him to toilets. He also couldn't get a bed his size, or fit through bathroom doors. He has been charged of being a member for a Mafia clan.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Die and be punished

A mayor in France ordered the people in his village not to die, else they face "severe punishment". Mayor Gerard Lalanne is having a headache with the cemetery being full, so he posted an ordinance that stated: "all persons not having a plot in the cemetery and wishing to be buried in Sarpourenx are forbidden from dying in the parish.", adding "Offenders will be severely punished." at the end. The mayor appealed to a nearby town for more room to expand the cemetery, but he was not given permission.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Stiletto heel race

Amsterdam's most famous fashion streen became a rat race for women in stiletto heels, racing for a prize of $15,000. With the motto of "Shopping is a Sport", the race has been going on for 3 years already. 25-year-old Tamara Ruben won the 380-yard race. After the match she said she would spend the won money on "anything but high heels".

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Get someone to shoot your arm to skip work

Want a surefire way of skipping work, or even a drug test? Some guy in Washington asked his friend to shoot him in the shoulder so he wouldn't have to go to work. The place he was working for was scheduled to have a drug test on that day. Although initially he reported to police that he was shot while jogging, he conceded later to asking a friend to shoot him to skip his work. He's been charged with false reporting.